
Chi Fa's DukeProject

Project maintained by foochifa Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide

1. Introduction

Duke is an application to manage all your tasks. It contains a GUI that allows you to easily input all your task and retrieve them as a list.

You can get the latest jar here

2. Features

Command Formats:

2.1. View All Commands: help

Show all commands and their format in the GUI.

Format: help

2.2. List Tasks: list

List out all the tasks currently inside the task list.

Format: list

2.3. Add Task: todo deadline event

Adds a new task. There are three different type of tasks:

  1. To-do tasks todo
  2. Tasks with a deadline deadline
  3. Tasks held at a certain date event

2.3.a. To-do Task: todo

Format: todo TASK


2.3.b. Deadline Task: deadline

Format: deadline TASK /by DD MM YY


2.3.c. Event Task: event

Format: event TASK /at DD MM YY


2.4. Mark Task as Done: done

Marks a task in the list as done, according to the index given.

Format: done INDEX


2.5. Delete a Task: delete

Deletes a task in the list, according to the index given.

Format: delete INDEX


2.6. Find Tasks Based on Keywords: find

Finds all the task that contain the keywords provided. Feature can take in more than one keyword separated by whitespace. Duke will return a list of all tasks found that contains one or more keywords.

Format: find KEYWORDS


2.7. Tasks on a Date: schedule

Shows the schedule of task on a user-specified date.

Format: schedule DD MM YY


2.8. Exit Duke: bye

Exits duke program.

Format: bye

3. Command Summary

All commands are not case-sensitive.

  • Help: help
  • List: list
  • Add:
    • todo: todo TASK
    • deadline: deadline TASK /by DD MM YY
    • event: event TASK /at DD MM YY
  • Mark as Done: done INDEX
  • Delete: delete INDEX
  • Find: find KEYWORDS
  • Schedule on a Date: schedule DD MM YY
  • Exit: bye